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🔥✨ Congratulation to CTIF Leadership ! 🌍🚒

Credit: CTIF

We are happy to share two pivotal updates from CTIF, closely tied to our collaborative efforts within DIREKTION:

1️⃣ Milan Dubravac Re-elected as CTIF President: Congratulations to Milan Dubravac, re-elected to lead CTIF for another four-year term! Milan's steadfast leadership has expanded CTIF's global network, fostering new partnerships and initiatives that enhance firefighting capabilities worldwide. His vision aligns closely with DIREKTION's mission to innovate and strengthen disaster resilience strategies across Europe.

2️⃣ New 2024 CTIF Executive Committee: At the recent Delegates Assembly in Oslo, CTIF introduced its new 2024 Executive Committee. This team of international leaders brings extensive expertise to CTIF's strategic initiatives, advancing initiatives that resonate with DIREKTION's goals of enhancing fire safety, disaster management, and international collaboration.

Milan Dubravac and the new Executive Committee exemplify CTIF's dedication to excellence in fire safety and disaster resilience, values shared by DIREKTION.

We look forward to continuing our impactful collaboration in DIREKTION, driving innovation and fostering global resilience in firefighting and disaster management.

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